Friday, January 25, 2008

i'm told to be sassy?

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well, mother said to me:
"go post on the blog and get it over with."

i said:
"right now?"

and she said:
"yeah. go post about your quilt and write something sassy."

so, here i am, but i don't think i can be very sassy, honestly. :P

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Anyway, firstly (is firstly a word?) I would like to say that the song "All I Want Is You" by Barry Louis Polisar is so fun. Creative lyrics. :)

And secondly, sewing together squares of fabric is actually really fun.
Last night me and Mother laid out three different quilt patterns on my bedroom floor, which was really cool. We made a vintage/Victorian-style one, an entirely home-spun style kind, and a really small red-check and white quilt.

I was working on the latter until Mother shooed me away to be sassy.

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so i ironed it.
then sewed it up.
(doesn't the word "sew" just look so wrong. it looks like it should be pronounced "sue")

then I finished the front.

fah la la!
now i just have to cut out backing and we need to buy backing
it up
post it on Etsy!

in case you're wondering what you can do with a blanket of such a eensy size (what, like cover one of limbs?), we're going to advertise it as a car-seat/diaper-changing/play quilt for babies and toddlers. :) i think it'll work. i would have made it bigger, but you see, *whispers* we only had 12 red squares... lol

well, toodles!!

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~ caroline

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